"Structure" National Juried Exhibition - On-Line Gallery
"Structure" National Juried Exhibition - juried by James Bacchi
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 9th, 7-10PM
Artist Talk: December 7th, 12-3PM
“One cannot help but be in awe when [one] contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.” – Albert Einstein
Featured Gallery Artists: Nancy Bardach, Natalya Burd, Mark Chen, Chad Colby, Emily Corbato, Lynn Dau, Ellen Freyer, Julie Garner, Irene Hendrick, Howard Hersh, Yao-pi Hsu, Kristine Mays, Chai Ng, Luna Ruth Paesch, Matthew Paskiet, Diane Pepe, Matt Pipes, Cheryl Polcaro, Mark D. Powers, David Preddy, Christopher Rabb, Seda Saar, Gail Smuda, Phyllis Kudder Sullivan, and Beth Waldman
On-Line Gallery Artists: Sarah Bielski, Joel Bresolin, Amanda Bulger, Lizzy Cross, Rene Culler, Debra Dake-Morrell, Daniel Dallabrida, Jessica Eastburn, Liz Ensz, Beth Fein, Joe Gitterman, Robert Gorder, Heather Gordon, Joshua Goss, Carlos Grasso, Karen Gubitz, Eric L Hansen, Nelson Hee, Artemis Herber, Duane Hilburn, Lara Hoke, Patricia Ingersoll, Michael Koehle, Hanna Kozlowski-Slone, Ute Kuschnereit, Brandi Lee, Bachrun LoMele, Michael Lownie, Penny McElroy, Elizabeth Mead, Bri Murphy, Jarred Pfeiffer, Kelyne Reis, Sinan Revell, Lincoln Rogala, Aimee Santos, Nikki Schrager, Sondra Schwetman, Simone Spicer, Gerri Spilka, Monika Steiner, Anne Subercaseaux, Karen Theisen, and Jill Torberson
Exhibition: November 9th - December 7th, 2013