"CHAOS" National Juried Exhibition
"CHAOS" National Juried Exhibition OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, May 7th 7-9PM Artist's Reception & Discussion: : Saturday, June 25th, 1-3PM The creative spirit often spins out of control. How does one handle a vortex of senses, impressions and memories and capture the experience in the form of art? Is chaos something you fear, create, or control? EXHIBITION DATES: May 7 - June 25, 2016 |
Cecilia Clark, Mac Mechem, and Corinne Whitaker.
Cecilia Clark, Mac Mechem, and Corinne Whitaker.
Mark Bauer, Graham John Bell, Sally Bousquet, Chris Darst, Lynn Dau, Scott Fin, Sherman Finch, Thomas Fort, Diane Foug, Todd Hanson, Ken Hay, Gina Herrera, Leslie Jeffery, Stephanie Karamitsos, Mary-Ellen Latino, Lawrence Lopez, Derek Lynch, Tina Maier, Beverly Mills, Marina Povalishina, Steve Rodgers, Design Collaborative ras+e (Ryan Shelly + Elizabeth Herrmann), Theda Sandiford, Robert Saywitz, Zachary Siddle-Manas, Clare Szydlowski, and Nanci Wenz.
Mark Bauer, Graham John Bell, Sally Bousquet, Chris Darst, Lynn Dau, Scott Fin, Sherman Finch, Thomas Fort, Diane Foug, Todd Hanson, Ken Hay, Gina Herrera, Leslie Jeffery, Stephanie Karamitsos, Mary-Ellen Latino, Lawrence Lopez, Derek Lynch, Tina Maier, Beverly Mills, Marina Povalishina, Steve Rodgers, Design Collaborative ras+e (Ryan Shelly + Elizabeth Herrmann), Theda Sandiford, Robert Saywitz, Zachary Siddle-Manas, Clare Szydlowski, and Nanci Wenz.
Adrienne Belair, Warren Bellows + Ginny Jordan, Zel Brook, Estelle Choe, Kathryn Cirincione, Donald Dahlke, Michael Depue, Andy DeWeerdt, Myra Eastman, Michael Fischerkeller, Janey Fritsche, Mark M. Garrett, Anne Garvey, Ted Gillespie, Daniel Gray, Jana Gover, Lucy Julia Hale, Amir Hariri, Jeanne Hauser, Linda Hope, LIndsay Huseby, Yuri Hyun, Diane Kaye, Barbara Keim, Ann Kim, Charles LIttle, Michael MIner, Annamarie Pabst, Giuseppe Palumbo, Valerie Patterson, Karchi Perlmann, Carly Prentice, Hadley Radt, Stepahnie J. Ryan, Steve Sangapore, Laurel Sexton, Monica Tiulescu, and Ealish Wilson.
Adrienne Belair, Warren Bellows + Ginny Jordan, Zel Brook, Estelle Choe, Kathryn Cirincione, Donald Dahlke, Michael Depue, Andy DeWeerdt, Myra Eastman, Michael Fischerkeller, Janey Fritsche, Mark M. Garrett, Anne Garvey, Ted Gillespie, Daniel Gray, Jana Gover, Lucy Julia Hale, Amir Hariri, Jeanne Hauser, Linda Hope, LIndsay Huseby, Yuri Hyun, Diane Kaye, Barbara Keim, Ann Kim, Charles LIttle, Michael MIner, Annamarie Pabst, Giuseppe Palumbo, Valerie Patterson, Karchi Perlmann, Carly Prentice, Hadley Radt, Stepahnie J. Ryan, Steve Sangapore, Laurel Sexton, Monica Tiulescu, and Ealish Wilson.
The "Chaos" catalog is available for purchase at $35.
You may order a copy at https://www.createspace.com/6196109
You may order a copy at https://www.createspace.com/6196109