Squared Alumni 2017
"Squared Alumni 2017" Bay Area Exhibition Opening Reception: Wednesday, September 6th, 7-9PM SquaredAlumni brings together eight of the most popular alumni from previous FourSquared exhibitions at Arc in support of local non-profit organizations. Arc Gallery will be donating all of its profits from Project Gallery sales at these events and the Alumni artists will be donating a portion of their sales to support these programs. The exhibition is up concurrently with the 8th Annual FourSquared exhibition in the main gallery. Arc will also donate a portion of gallery sales at these events to support these programs. Each of the Alumni artists has produced four works for this fundraiser. Most works are priced under $1200. Exhibition: September 6 – 23, 2017 |
Featured Artists: John Arbuckle, Elizabeth Ashcroft, Monica Denevan, Ivy Jacobsen, Sarah Newton, Jann Nunn, Kirsten Tradowsky, & Sandy Yagi
Curated by: Michael Yochum, Arc Gallery
Teen Van Benefit: Weds, Sept 6th, 7-9PM (Opening Reception)
"Youth is a State of Mind" Professionals Mixer: Tuesday, Sept 19th, 7-9PM
Additional events TBD
Gallery Hours: Weds. & Thurs. 1-6PM & Sat. 12-3PM (Closed Sat. Sept 5th)
Curated by: Michael Yochum, Arc Gallery
Teen Van Benefit: Weds, Sept 6th, 7-9PM (Opening Reception)
"Youth is a State of Mind" Professionals Mixer: Tuesday, Sept 19th, 7-9PM
Additional events TBD
Gallery Hours: Weds. & Thurs. 1-6PM & Sat. 12-3PM (Closed Sat. Sept 5th)