"ARTBEARS-SF" Bay Area Exhibition
Opening Reception: Thursday, June 26th 7-10PM
Featured artists: Matthew Frederick, Charles Garrett, & Ken Sloan
ArtBearsSF combines three San Francisco artists with widely different approaches. Matthew Frederick gives us two new subjects for his luscious impasto paintings; the human Figure and the fish we love to eat. Charles Garret brings a new series of men and beards engraved on Woodblock and printed in multiple layers. Ken Sloan continues his beautiful epoxy resin work, forging ahead towards scattered abstract and new unconventional color combinations. Even though ArtBearsSF is amazingly diverse, the show comes together with a strong aesthetic to surround you with eye catching work.
Closing Reception: Thursday, July 24th 7-9PM
See ARTBEARS-SF catalog: http://issuu.com/arcgallery/docs/art_bears_catalog
"ARTBEARS-SF" Bay Area Exhibition
Opening Reception: Thursday, June 26th 7-10PM
Featured artists: Matthew Frederick, Charles Garrett, & Ken Sloan
ArtBearsSF combines three San Francisco artists with widely different approaches. Matthew Frederick gives us two new subjects for his luscious impasto paintings; the human Figure and the fish we love to eat. Charles Garret brings a new series of men and beards engraved on Woodblock and printed in multiple layers. Ken Sloan continues his beautiful epoxy resin work, forging ahead towards scattered abstract and new unconventional color combinations. Even though ArtBearsSF is amazingly diverse, the show comes together with a strong aesthetic to surround you with eye catching work.
Closing Reception: Thursday, July 24th 7-9PM
See ARTBEARS-SF catalog: http://issuu.com/arcgallery/docs/art_bears_catalog