SquaredAlumni 2015
“SquaredAlumni” Bay Area Exhibition in the Project Gallery at Arc SquaredAlumni brings together eight of the most popular artists from previous FourSquared exhibitions at Arc in support of local non-profit organizations. Arc Gallery will be donating all of its profits from Project Gallery sales at these events and the Alumni artists will be donating a portion of their sales to support these programs. |
The exhibition is up concurrently with the 6th Annual FourSquared exhibition in the main gallery. Arc will also donate a portion of gallery sales at these events to support these programs. Each of the Alumni artists has produced four works for this fundraiser. Most works are priced under $1000.
Featured Artists: Sidnea DfAmico, Barbara Kleinhans, Lisa Levine & Peter Tonnigsen, Paul Morin, Miwako Nishizawa, Sonya Philip, Eric Rewitzer, & Rebecca Szeto
Curated by Arc Gallery Partner, Michael Yochum
Teen Van Benefit: Thursday, September 10th, 6-9pm
SF Goodwill Benefit: Thursday, September 17th, 6-9pm
"Save the Mission" - Proposition I Benefit Brunch: Sunday, September 20th, 11am - 1pm
Saturday, September 26th, 11AM-3PM
EXHIBITION: September 5-26, 2015
Gallery Hours: Weds & Thurs 1-6PM & at 12-3PM